Born and raised in China, Sarah Peng is one of very few English language stand-up comedians in China. Sarah has been performing stand-up comedy in English for the last 5 years and has performed in Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuhan, Singapore and Chicago. In 2017, Sarah shared her experience in her TEDx talk “Why I do Stand-up Comedy in English?” On stage, Sarah has her own unique voice. She believes standup comedy can be a tool for cross-culture communication, and that comedy connects people and the world. 

Sarah Peng从事英文单口喜剧表演5年多,她在北京,上海,苏州,新加坡,芝加哥等国内外城市都有登台表演,很受国内外观众的喜爱。2017年,Sarah在TEDx上做了《为什么我用英文说脱口秀》的主题演讲;2018年,Sarah受西交利物浦大学博物馆的邀请在西交利物浦大学做了主题为《大学老师/单口喜剧演员》的斜杠人生故事演讲。她鼓励年轻人要听从内心的声音,不要自我设限,勇敢追寻梦想。
